How Do You Fix Cloudy Binoculars?
How to fix your cloudy binoculars will depend on how they have become cloudy. There are numerous reasons why your binoculars have become cloudy, and it’s best to determine the cause before attempting to fix them! Check below if you aren’t sure what could be causing your binoculars to become cloudy.
Once you have identified the issue, you can use our steps to treat it and restore your binoculars to their former glory!
If your binoculars are cloudy due to internal fogging, you won’t be able to wipe it away as you would with condensation or external fogging, but it can be treated and fairly easily!
Start by leaving your binoculars in a warm and dry space for a few days. Binoculars tend not to be airtight, so moisture on the inside of the binoculars should evaporate into the drier air outside of the binoculars.
Next, seal your dried binoculars inside an airtight plastic bag with some commercial desiccant. The desiccant will absorb any excess moisture left in the binoculars, removing the source of the fogging and clouding.
Once the moisture has been removed, ensure that you keep the binoculars as dry as possible. When using the binoculars in wet weather, place a cover over them when you aren’t using them. Be sure to wipe any moisture off them as quickly as possible to prevent further problems and clouding.
For other issues causing your binoculars to be cloudy, you can follow our other steps below! But, first, it’s best to clean the lenses and the binoculars’ body to ensure that all dust or potential clouding causes are removed.
If this still doesn’t work, clean the interior of your binoculars. This involves taking them apart to clean out the parts and shouldn’t be done lightly.
Again, take your time and check the manual and online tutorials for your specific binoculars before undertaking the work. In most cases, it can be helpful to see a professional that can do the work for you.
To clean your binocular lenses, start by reading the manual. Here you will find specific advice about cleaning tools and materials that are suitable to use. Using chemicals or cleaning products that aren’t appropriate can damage the lenses or even void your warranty!
Once you have read the manual, you can turn the binoculars upside down and use a lens cleaning pen to loosen any dust or dirt. The bristles on these brushes will remove dirt and dust without damaging the lenses or the coating on them.
Follow with canned air to blow off loosened dirt that can still be on the lenses. Be sure not to spray the air too close to the lenses, as this can cause them to frost up the lenses and leave you with worse lenses than before!
Avoid using any microfiber cloths as they can scratch the surface and leave you with cloudy vision! In some cases, you can replace the lenses, but this can be costly depending on the make and model of the binoculars.
Follow with an approved cleaning solution to wipe away any dirt or clouding. Do not pour the solution directly onto the lenses, as this can damage them. However, if your binoculars are binoculars, you can run water over the lenses lightly to remove the grime on them.
Follow with a lens cloth or pen pad to wipe away any remaining smudges. Explore the best trampoline parks and indoor places for kids in Arizona. Work lightly and in circular motions to do this, ensuring that the material contains no fibers that will scratch the binoculars.
To clean the body of your binoculars, use a damp cloth all over and follow with a dry cloth to remove any water or moisture that could enter the binoculars and cause trouble for you.
Why are my binoculars cloudy?
There are a few reasons why binoculars can be cloudy, but the most common reason is scratches on the lenses. Dust that comes into contact with your eyepiece or gets rubbed across it (during cleaning or use) can cause microscopic scratches on the glass and ultra-thin coatings on the lenses.
You won’t unusually see these individual scratches as they are so small, but they scatter light. Over time, this gives your binoculars the cloudy image that we all loathe. To avoid this happening to your binoculars, ensure there is no dust on the lenses or eyepieces at all times, but especially when you are cleaning them.
You can purchase lens cleaning pens that will shift any small dust particles from your lenses and clean your binoculars without causing them any damage. You can also use a moist Q-tip to remove any dust particles But, again, ensure you do this gently to avoid causing any further damage to your binoculars.
Another common reason is a simple one that requires little fixing: condensation! Just like how your glasses can steam up when you enter a warm room (or you have a face mask on), binoculars can do the same!
An instant change of temperature, such as moving in or outdoors, an instant change of temperature can cause condensation, and your binoculars will mist up and seem foggy and cloudy.
When it comes to condensation, you can clean your binocular lenses or eyepieces to help, or just wait for your binoculars to adjust to the new temperature, and it should clear on its own. Condensation is the least worrying cause of cloudy lenses in your binoculars and is a common issue users report.
Ensure that your binoculars are thoroughly dried after the condensation to avoid any liquid entering your binoculars and causing damage or impacting their performance. If you leave the surface of your binoculars wet, the lens quality can deteriorate over time.
That means more time spent looking through cloudy lenses, not what you want!
Internal fogging or cloudy binoculars can also be caused by wet weather. Rain, mist, or other elements can get into your binoculars when you use them outdoors and wreak havoc! Not only can the water impact the performance of your binoculars and cause corrosion or rust internally, but it can also impact your vision.
The water can cause internal fogging leaving you with cloudy vision each time you use your binoculars. Thankfully you can rectify this easily by cleaning your binoculars and ensure they are completely dried out to prevent the issue from occurring again.
Another reason your binoculars could be cloudy is a leak in the camera. If this is the case, you will need to clean the inside of your binoculars and repair the leak to avoid them becoming cloudy again. It can be challenging to do this, and we recommend exploring other options before going inside your binoculars.
Check that there is no other reason why your binoculars could be cloudy, and only when you feel confident there is an internal leak should you enter your binoculars.
The instruction manual your binoculars came with should provide you with information on how to access and clean the inside of your binoculars. They should also be able to advise on how to rectify any leaks from the camera.
Failing that, there is a wealth of online tutorials you can access that will provide you with step-by-step instructions on successfully cleaning inside your binoculars and removing the leak. Just make sure you have the make and model of your binoculars ready to get the best advice for you.